Join the millions of heroes in the world of Warcraft! A world full of magic, legends, myths, and endless adventure awaits you. Will you become one of the legends of inheritance? Everything you need to get started is here!
Of course, if we want to pay attention to all aspects of this game, we have to spend hours and even weeks reading about it. But our first WoW tutorial is to make the process easy and fun.
In this game, there is no specific goal and mission that you want to complete to enjoy the game; There are many main story and side missions and side activities such as discovering strange places, hunting giants and scary creatures and even fishing in the game, each of which will be fun for you individually or collectively.
In order to move step by step from beginner to advanced, we have considered the following for each postal training, which will be as follows:
- The first step is to download the wow game and create an account:
Download and install world of warcraft training
Is World of Warcraft worth playing?
Account creation guide
- The next step is to build the hero and choose the right race:
Choose the best race for each class
The main statistics and which race is better for a class
Guide to choosing the best breed for each class
- In connection with choosing the right race, we have prepared two training posts regarding the best classes for dps and healer:
The best classes for Healer
The best classes for DPS
Complete roll healer training
Complete Range DPS roll tutorial
Everything you need to know as a tank!
- After creating the hero and entering the game, you should have information about the settings and how to control the character, how to move the character. In this regard, you should learn the following tutorials:
Disable wow game tutorials
Map reading and navigation in wow game
Necessary training including: trainers, equestrian, banks, action bar, magic book, power resources
- The next important step is to get the hero to his maximum level, the following tutorial can help you:
What is Levelup?
See better with these maps
Start a mission (Quest), complete a mission, deliver a mission
- After you have decided to increase the level of your character’s level by completing missions, and after leveling 20 animals, you should get acquainted with them as a vehicle that will take you to your destination sooner. In this regard, see the following posts:
- After entering the game, items will be displayed for you, for example, on the right side of the monitor screen, bag – in the same part at the top of the screen, small map and date and time, etc. In this regard, you should read the following tutorials:
- The next step is for you to learn the most important and widely used tasks that you deal with every day and every minute, including:
How to get the Quest – do it and deliver it
Learning to use the Auction House
Training item
Work training
Work Cleaning Tutorial
What is a Friend List?
What is a Who List?
What is Character Info?
How can we repair the items that turned red ?!
What is Achievement?
What does glyph mean in wow?
What does talent mean in wow?
Where to get Pve and Bag item maps?
Learn how to change the font in wow
Play with others, sooner or later you will receive missions with the title “Group”. Obviously, you need a team to complete such missions, and you can not do it alone (these missions will usually have better rewards). Not so bad.
- In this regard, you should learn the following tutorials:
Invite to the group and build a guild
What do Pve and Pvp mean in Warcraft?
What is Raid Info?
Learn to play PVE
Description of wintergrasp
Dungeon training
- You may not understand the terms used by some players in the game to see the following:
World of warcraft terms
World of Warcraft idiom instruction video
Terms of Word F Warcraft Series 2
World of Warcraft Glossary
- Macro game can help you become a professional in the game, so you need to learn macro writing:
- After learning and practicing a lot of the above, you can learn the following professional trainings:
What is Resistance and Spell penetration?
What are Armor and Armor Penetration?
World Of WarCraft Specialty Content
How to become an ambassador?
Everything we need to know about sockets and their performance
Sub-specialized topics related to wow
- Finally, we have various and useful posts about how to play in world of warcraft, which can be referred to the following posts: