آموزش World Of Warcraft

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Work training

Work training in world of warcraft game

In World of Warcraft, each hero can have 2 main jobs and 3 sub-jobs.
With jobs, you can make and sell armor, weapons
All jobs need each other. For example, you have Blacksmith. You can create tools for Enchanting
In general, we have 3 sub-jobs in each game:
  1. Fishing
  2. First Aid
  3. Cooking We also have 11 main jobs:
  4. Engineering
  5. Tailoring
  6. Alchemy
  7. Blacksmithing
  8. Jewelcrafting
  9. Leatherworking
  10. Mining
  11. Herbalism
  12. Enchanting
  13. Inscription
11- Tanning (Skinning) Each job gives an ability to your hero, you have to choose the best work according to your class
And alliance race go to Stormwind City, but if you can go to Dalaran, go to the area I marked on the map, where you can get any job you want.

To see the training of each job in the top bar of the site and in the training section of the game jobs, you can learn the step-by-step training for raising each job and work in the game.







You can use it by hitting the P key and going to the first page of Spells and selecting Work




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