Thorium Ore can be found primarily in areas with a minimum roll level of 30, 35 or 40. After extracting andmining Small Small Thorium Vein , Thorium Bar you canobtain Thorium Ore , which can be used to build aNext, you need at least skill 200 to mine and mine this ore.
1- Blasted Lands
2- Burning Steppes
3- Eastern Plaguelands
4- Feralas
5- Searing Gorge
6- Silithus
7- Tanaris
8- The Hinterlands
9- Un’Goro Crater
10 – Western Plaguelands
11- Winterspring
By extracting Small Thorium Vein , you can sometimes extract other stones in it and its application that can be used in other jobs, including:
- Transmute: Arcanite
[Arcanite Bar]
[Arcane Crystal
[Enchanted Thorium Bar]
[Enchanted Thorium Bar]
[Dream Dust]
[Arcane Bomb]
[Field Repair Bot 74A]
[Gnomish Alarm-o-Bot]
[Salt Shaker]
[Thorium Grenade]
[Thorium Rifle]
[Thorium Tube]
[Thorium Widget]
[Emerald Crown of Destruction]
[Figurine – Black Diamond Crab]
[Figurine – Emerald Owl]
[Thorium Setting]