آموزش World Of Warcraft

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The Great Story of The Horde

The Great Story of The Horde

The Horde is one of the two major political factions made up of the mortals of the world of Ezra, the other side is called the Alliance. Horde is an organization made up of exiles and fugitives who have survived great hardships, are united, like warring families, together and friends. Although ideals, policies, and beliefs have been revised and its members changed over time, this is the same horde that has been inherited from the warlord Orgrim Hammer of destruction.

The main members of the horde

Orcs The surviving orcs of the First, Second, and Third Wars, who were released from the concentration camps by the trawl and led by him, determined their new destiny in Kilimdor. Once again, they returned to their ancestral tradition of shamanism to confront the destruction of demonic magic.
In the metamorphosis, the wise trawl led the Horde to the grave of Hell to save the world this time and leave the Horde and the Union alone.

Other leaders include Warwick Surfing and drums

The capital of Horde is the city of Dortar, located in Orgrimar.
They also have camps in Burns, Ashnoville, Stranglethornville, the Arta Mountains, the Swamp of Disaster, the Favorable Lands, and Ashara. After the Black Gate reopened, the Orcs returned to their homeland in Enver, now called Outland, and set up camps on the Peninsula of Hellfire, the grove of Trocar, Nagrand, the Blade Mountain, and the Valley of Happiness. They then went to Narthrand and set up border checkpoints in the Burin Tundra, Dragon Blythe and Grizzly Hills.

Surviving Ork tribes who joined the trawl:

Ice Wolf Tribe – The Tral tribe itself, ruled by a fortune teller since the death of the last tribal leader. The Ice Wolf tribe was the largest community of orcs in the Eastern Kingdom in the Altrak Valley. (Decades ago exiled to Azrut by Goldan)
The Sound of War Tribe – Led by Garoush Hell Hell, these orcs live in the Ashnoville forest.
The Shutter tribe of India, part of the Azeri tribe that joined the trawl and served as the Horde assassins.
The Maguars are orcs who escaped corruption and remained in Outland during all three wars. Their leader is the plant’s grandmother, the trawl grandmother. Other notable members of this group are Darnoosh Surfang, Garoush Faryad Hell, and Jourin Dedai (Dadai means mighty hunter).
Halo Bleeding Tribe – A tribe that returned to Dranvar after World War II, but abandoned their war song when its members dispersed to various parts of Azrut, such as Gram, the Hell of Hell, and its tribes. They were later captured. They were released from the concentration camps by the trawl and joined the new Horde. In addition, there was a prominent figure in Maguhar, who was also their leader, and his name was Jorin Dedai.





Fiery Sword Tribe – Sword masters were once part of the Fiery Sword Tribe, although the tribe itself became corrupt, these few swordsmen are still part of the Horde.
The Black Rock Tribe – Itrig and Warwick Surfing are new members of the Horde. Bloody Redfist and Wrath of the Lich King went with their new Horde to Clymedor, along with these well-known members, flags of the tribe in some of the military camps of the Third World War.
Shadow of the Moon tribe – The guards and observers of Shadow of the Moon village are the survivors of this tribe.
Patak Shafaq Tribe – In fact, one of the orcs there is still affiliated with the Horde (Zaruk). The leader of this tribe is Chogal, who plays a significant role in the transformation of the world and the breaking of the world of Azrut, along with death.
Dragon Mao Tribe – In World of Warcraft: The Last Warcraft World Developer Transformation (Dragon Mao Tribe) rejoins the Horde and lives in the aurora borealis.
Dark Spear Tribal Trolls.
In fact, they inhabit a small part of the islands of the Great Sea. Eventually he was joined on a trawl voyage to Cleimodor and moved to the Eco Islands, where he was captured by the Coltiras Marines. They always thank the orcs, especially the trawlers, for saving their tribe and giving them new homes.
The leader of these trolls is the shadow hunter.
Other leaders: Vanira Shaman and Zenatra Druid.

Their capital is Dark Javelin Island, the largest of the Eco Islands, off the coast of Drutar.
Before reviving the Eco Islands, the village of Sanjin was a dark spear base in the distant land. Other troll bases are in Ashnoville, Rocky Heel and Dezolis. They also control two Horde border crossings (Swampart and Zabrajin checkpoints) in Ostland.
Trolls use raptors and bats for riding.
In metamorphosis they leave Orgrimar and do not support Garoush.

The Mulgorians were
a genuine, indigenous tribe of Clymedor, who befriended the Orcs and provided them with spiritual guidance and assistance.
After the death of Cyrus the Great, he is led by his son, the senior ruler between the blood poison.
Leading Leaders: The Great Druid of Hemol
is the capital of Thunderblaf in Mulgor.
They also have camps in Burns, Thousand Needles, Rock Heel Mountains, Dezolize, Ferralas and Flowwood. In addition, they sent guards to their cousins, the Tonkas in Nartharand.
They ride on their huge coffins and dig the ground.





The Lords ‘ Undead
A group of undead that got out of Leach King’s control, they made peace with the Horde and united.
This group includes other unnamed creatures from the Valkyries who joined the separatists after Arthas’s death.
Their leader is Queen Banshi Silvans Badpa.
Their capital is Andres City in Trieste Glide.
They also have Silverpine Forrest and Hillsbard Foils, as well as cities in Halving Ford and Dragon Blight.
The Royal Pharmacists’ Association is a sect of alchemist dissidents trying to build a new plague to destroy anger and other forms of life.
Isolated vampire bats and skeletal horses came to the aid of the Horde and were used as a compound. These are normal and intelligent animals.

The Blood Elves of Queltalas
A group of former elves left their addiction to magic and were driven away by the members of the alliance, so they went to Horde and asked them to help them reach Outland and determine their own destiny. These elves have a strong alliance with the detached due to a similar fate. Most of the exiles before A were excellent (Benchies A and Dark Rangers)
after the death of the insane Prince Kiltas Sanstrider are led by Lortsmar Tron, Viceroy Coel Thales. (Suntrider in Talasin means day, meaning one who moves in the day

They also own Gostland, along with the exiles, and a camp on the Outland Hell Peninsula.
The Far Streiders are a special group of blood elves that includes observers and rangers.
The blood elves of the hack are striders and dragon hacks.

The Bilguater Cartel Goblins
, having taken their native lands of the Kazan Islands, the Bilguater Cartel Goblins boarded ships and sailed for Ashara, where they were caught in a battle between the Allied navy and the Horde. At this time they were attacked by the Alliance, so they allied with the Hordes, pushing back the Alliance and destroying their long-time enemies on the Lost Islands.
Led by Prince Gallowick.
Their capital is the port of Bilguater in Ashara.
He is in charge of part of Orgrimar, the central city of the Orcs.
The compound of the goblins is hot rods that are very similar to the car

The hard-fought ceasefire between the Alliance and the Hordes after the Third World War soon broke down, and their forces fought in various lands:
Exterminators – Detached forces were sent to obtain the Aratai Basin resources, then engaged in various battles with the Arata League. The natives of the land of Aratai fought with the separatists to unite these resources.
Ice Wolf Tribe – This tribe was located in the Altrak Mountains and was trying to gain control of the area, although the natives there, the Storm Pike Dwarves, who have historical ties to the land, fought them.
Voice of War Pioneers – After the Third War, the Voice of War tribe invaded Ashnoville and began cutting down trees to advance their goals, and went straight to war with the Silverwing Guards, who were local residents.







Tralamar – The name of the base of the Horde Expeditionary Forces to Outland. Horde there seeks to find out what they have been through in their former land.
Expeditionary forces set up bases throughout Outland except Nagrand and Netstorm.
Magar Orcs are a tribe of Orcs who were not infected by the demons and lived in Outland, away from the Azrut Wars.

War Song Invaders – The main forces are the Horde expedition to Northrun, led by Garoush Hell of Hell.
CORKON GUARDIANS – Selected Horde forces joined the Horde Expeditionary Forces and were led by Waruk Surfing.
Taunka – An ancient race that belonged to the Taverns but was lost until it was rediscovered by Garosh and his orcs, who were ineffective. They joined the Horde after Ronak Ismist was rescued.
The Hand of Revenge – A group of dissidents sent by Lady Silvans Badpa to seek revenge on the Leach King. Their goal was to test their own new plague.
The Suns – The blood elves of the Carinthor are proudly named after their leader. Horde had long been strangers to the dollar, now they could enter the city. The Sunnis are the enemies of the Silver Pact, other members of the cults and allies

Wolves are known as the compound and symbol of the Hordes, especially the Ice Wolf tribe.
The stone-throwing giants of the Dastvalo Lagoon were formerly led by Mukmuruk. Targ has now replaced him. This tribe belongs to the Orgrimar faction.
The Mucanatal tribe is from the Blade Mountains, led by the Lerox.
Half-giant Azrut.
Most (but not all) half-orcs

Horde are friendly with violins (bipedal winged dragons) and use them as a flying compound.
Hub goblins, goblins that have undergone many chemical changes. In the game, goblins are able to summon a bank.
The Dragonmau tribe joined the Horde forces in the aurora borealis.

These creatures are inherently friendly with the Horde, but are not considered the main members of the Horde. They have connections or agreements with the Horde.
The grove trolls of the Rwentask Hinterland tribe, led by the old Torontask, are independent and have a weak alliance with the Horde. While they are not members of the Horde, they are their friends. They understand compassion, yet they are very different from, and almost hostile to, blackheads.

Warlord Black Warrior Warlord Orgrim
Hammer Destruction
Warlord Kargath Bladefist (Phil Hord)
Warlord Rand Blackhand (Dark Horde)
Troll Warlord Garush Shout of Hell

In the past, orcs and their slaves (trolls and giants) who fought in Dranur and Azrut were called Hordes. After a complete defeat at the end of World War II, Horde’s dark power was defeated, allowing Troll to awaken the dormant spirituality in his demise and free himself from the control of the Burning Legion. Voljin, the leader of the Black Tribe, speared. The relations between the three races became very close, so that they found a similar cultural vision and naturalized it. With the help of the Taverns, the Orcs and the Troll tribe took up residence in Cleimador.

Since then, resolute tribes of giants, dissidents, and blood elves have joined the Horde. The current Horde seeks to survive in a land they hate. The orcs’ hatred and often detachment is due to the fact that they used to be mindless and controlled creatures. After the liberation, many members of the union, who still thought they were old, refused to accept them. The Trolls, Tavern, and their other allies understood them and hated the alliance. The interesting thing is that, in fact, the Horde leader has a lasting friendship with some members of the alliance, both before and after the war.


However, the name Hord itself conveys its meaning. The Horde looks like a concentrated body compared to the Alliance, as Orgrimar in the middle, Garush, the hellish cry of the absolute leader and warlord, dominates the whole Horde, maintaining his dominance over the black troll spears and the Tavern tribes. (Although he treats them as the leader of a race.) Like the former union of lords, he accepts ambassadors and advisers who come from all over the various tribes and members of the Horde, and is informed of the execution of his orders in the territory of the Horde. Although having a fighting spirit is characteristic of orcs, the trawl also shows itself to be compassionate, idealistic, and intellectual, and highly respected in the Horde. Once again the Horde has become a powerful war machine, but this time they are a peace-seeking nation. And they are helping the world instead of destroying their former savagery.

However, the shadow of the Cold War still reigns. The Orcs seek to overcome the Alliance in the Valley of War Singing and the Valley of the Altrak, and 2. In fact, the Horde, like the Alliance, has its complexities. The six main races are the Blood Elves, Taurus, Namardeh, Troll, Ork, and Kazan Goblins. Friends have a handful of Azrut breeds. Handing over the blood elves to Hord, the Hord allied with the Alliance to save Azrut from the Burning Legion.

After that, the previous hostility rose again and led to direct battles in various battlefields. Although the two factions had not formally broken the peace until the battle of Anderset, when King Varian Varin, tired of the constant harassment of the sects within the Horde, formally declared war. Like alliances, it includes various sects and individuals who possess a wide range of values ​​and virtues. Culturally, orcs and taverns of other Azure races believe in salvation and give it to others, regardless of fame. Rovantask seems to have accepted this (because the blood elves are their long-time enemies). Mainly because of these beliefs, a large number of mortal races and different sects can be seen in the service of the Horde. Two Hordes

However, in the game, Horde is a faction. It is actually divided into two parts (including the Dark Horde located at the Burning Steps. The Outland Horde is not of this type.) This is both geographically and ideologically.

Clemedor Hordes often follow Garush. Includes most orcs, taverns, black spear trolls, and some giants. They are united by a shamanic culture, pride and respect for the trawler who is their leader and hero. This horde is the result of what happened in Warcraft 3: Land of Chaos. The orcs changed under the influence of the Cultural Revolution.

The lust for blood was removed from their bodies, they calmed down and became mentally focused. They followed the trawl orders to rebuild their lost horde and shamanic spirit. They found Dortar and settled there. The orcs are happy about this move because the evil orcs are still living in Azrut. Many of the survivors of these orcs are overlocks, constantly in conflict with the alliance, have independent caravans and towns, and deny all that the trawl has brought to the Horde. Like a union that has two sides, the other side of the horde is rarely seen; But some of the Warlock Orcs are in Kilimdor and are keen to regain control of the Horde forces and are gaining such power to carry out their actions. They have shared their shamanic culture with Horde.

Eastern Horde

The Horde of the Eastern Kingdom includes the Separatists, the Blood Elves, and sometimes the demonic Orcs of the Black Horde. The Orlak Warlords and other tribes that refused to lead the trawl have a lot of power around the Burning Steps and the Blast Lands. Although they were the first to enter Azrut, many preferred to stay around the Black Gate, and some Verlaks are still guarding the Black Gate.

Most of them are members of the Black Horde who follow the black Rand and consider him their warlord. The Lords’ detachments happily help the Horde in the area. They do not care if the orcs are demonic or not. In fact, it is better for them that their allies be demons. They are far more sinister than their allies in Cleimador. They do not necessarily recognize the trawl as their leader, and large numbers of members of this race do not care about honor, morality, or other races.

Not all separatists are demonic, but many are demonic, and other races look at them that way. A non-demonic detachment does many good things to prove itself. The good separatists are few, but the demonic separatists abound, and their leader is certainly an evil being. The blood elves often despise the races, but they have accepted the separatists and have the same goal. Many blood elves are neither crazy nor demonic, but they prefer to respond to fire with fire. They suffered a lot because of the sun, all of them, even those who are not magicians, need it to nourish the secret energies. Many witch blood elves are crazy about this.






Western Horde

Elves consider blood dangerous and destructive. Even if many of the blood elves and demons are demonic, this second horde can not be considered a danger to the world, because their trawl is tightly controlled. The Royal Society of Separated Alchemists always had questionable plans, but they continued to fight against anger with others. It is not clear how much the men of this society were to blame for the battle of Andres. In any case, the trawl sent the Corcron guards to Andres City to directly oversee the Royal Society of Alchemists.
Communication between groups

The communication between these two groups is not intimate. Orcs, taverns and forest trolls do not trust these cowards. Many look at them as traitors. They are like an ally while secretly striving to achieve their goals. They are prone to betrayal and are cautious about their allies.

There is also a long-standing feud between the Blood and Taurus elves. Orcs, Black Trolls, and Taverns do not trust blood elves because their addiction to magic has turned great elves into amateurs. Blood elves are dangerous, and Horde races feel corrupt magic. The orcs, in particular, are called bloodthirsty elves because they have taken the same path that led the orcs to perdition. The orcs feel the corruption of the devil in the elves of the blood and know how to defeat them. He sees Hord’s blood elves as barbarians who refused to accept their power. They especially hate orcs who stand against the control of demonic power.

Trawl’s eyes have always been on the horde since the detachments entered. Ambassador Galavash, for example, was sent by the trawler to ensure the integrity of the deportees. Galavash is also highly suspicious of the separatists. The fact-finding sage believes that as long as the khaki circle is sensitive to their plagued brothers, who knows what is whispered in the Supreme Council. He believes that this alliance was hasty, and that perhaps Kieron Somkhoni is wise enough to sound the alarm of Orgrimar. Separators never intend to leave the dark paths.

They joined the Horde because they saw the Horde as a powerful and benevolent faction. While they have the illusion of loyalty, the detached are not targeted like their allies. Troll admits that he is not happy about the separatists joining the Horde, and apart from being aware of their betrayal, he unfortunately needs an ally, even if their allies are not entirely reliable. He reluctantly accepted the separatists to join the Horde because the Horde needed an ally more than they did. Tavern seldom trusts the separated.

They are less likely to speak in the presence of their detractors, even in the thunderbolt of language. Taverns place great emphasis on the value of life, and the lifelessness of the isolated is at odds with their beliefs. They look at the abominations of the detached like other immortals. Trolls, like others, are suspicious of separatists. They have little confidence in the manipulated separatists because they only believe in the strife and misery of their other allies.

Interestingly, few Horde detractors seem to like Horde and see it through the eyes of a group of deportees who are respectable to the detached. These few Horde supporters decided to focus on a part of the Horde they liked. For example, the Warlocks and the Grimtotm tribe! The aliens treat the other Horde races well, but secretly disrespect them. They feel that Horde is made up of ignorant, arrogant, and arrogant people who have managed to join and unite with them. They do not openly betray the Hordes, they have not yet betrayed them, but they are slowly destroying the peace and unity of the Hordes that was achieved after the Third World War.

For example, Rubric Dartoff, Kegan Darkumar, Trevor and Leonid Bartholomew; These separatists do not like to be judged for what their fellow human beings do. Also, some of them are the opposite of this group and therefore left the separatists and joined forces such as Argentina Down. According to Troll in the book Tolo Hord, the separatists are only friendly.
In the world of warcraft





In World of Warcraft, this distrust is abundantly seen in quests and dialogues. Because of this, the loyalty of the detached is questioned, and they are unable to carry out the reliable tasks for the Horde. While many detachments are unreliable, Horde still works with detached members such as Kirith, who replaced Tarbor.
weak points

Hordes have unstoppable destructive power, but like the best walls, they have weaknesses. In the past, these weaknesses led to their defeat by the Allies in World War II.

Perhaps their biggest weakness is that Horde is a group of savages who are intertwined over a wide area.
Small forces

Despite their power, Horde was small at first. They are in a stable situation now and the number of their forces has increased a lot.

Like savagery, another weakness is technology. Horde was very weak until the Goblins left their allies and joined them. Also in the metamorphosis of the Bluewater Cartel goblins have joined the Horde.

Strengths of physical strength

If you place an orc and tavern against a human and a dwarf in a room without weapons. Many of you are able to find the answer to your question. The front line of the Allied forces is always in danger against the physical strength of the Horde.


Unlike alliances, every race is the leader in the horde, and the trawler is the leader of the horde. This hierarchy makes the horde more organized. After the metamorphic events, Troll left the leadership of the Horde and handed it over to Garoush, a hellish cry. Many tribal leaders were upset by this decision to trawl and replace Garoush with a bureaucratic seat.

Cyrus summoned Garoush’s blood poison to an honorable duel, but was poisoned by one of the crew, and died during the battle with Garoush, and Tavern mourned. Vulgin threatened to kill him, and Sylvain Badpa directly engaged him in a moral and tactical dispute over how to use the Valkyries to build new soldiers and use the withered detachments as a new weapon. Although many of these gaps have deepened over time (even as power has grown between the bloodshed and the trawl apology to the vulgar), signs of tension are still visible.

For the Horde characters, there is a popularity bar (there is also a bar for each of the Alliance characters) that can increase their popularity on the other side.

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