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Tactic Boss 4 Deathbringer Saurfang 10 man – ICC

Tactic Boss 4 Deathbringer Saurfang 10 man – ICC

The main key to this fight is high DPS, only DPS is comfortable in the whole bus, and for this bus 1 Tank and 7-8 DPS, and if the Gs healer is high, a Healer, and if not, 2 Healers.

This fight has only one phase that must be completed in a maximum of 8 minutes, otherwise it will be hard work .

The best time to use DPS-related cooldowns at this time is below 30%.

  1. Saurfang uses Blood Power , when he reaches 100 he hits the Mark of the Fallen Champion on one of the players and Blood Power becomes zero again and so on.

Each series that beats the Mark of the Fallen Champion , the Energy Bar related to Blood Power fills up faster, so it is better that the DPS is so strong that when the Boss’s blood hits the first Mark close to 60% and a Tank is enough, the Tank must bounce back. Give room.

Standing Roles:

  1. Tank As I said, it should be where Boss appears
  2. MDPS must stop all tanks and RDPS must stand 12 yards away from Boss to not activate Blood Nova .
  3. Healers should stand farthest away and be played in such a way that each group of players has a body heal.

Saurfang throws this spell on one of the players and every time Saurfang is added, it takes more Blood Power . Healing those players is not a problem.

To become 100% Blood Power , this Boss hits the Mark of the Fallen Champion spell on one of the Players, which hits a lot of Damage between 2 to 3k per second in 10-player mode.

When a player with Mark of the Fallen Champion dies, 5% of the boss’s blood returns and of course Combat Ress should not be used on those who died with Mark.

The tank tans and two Moobs come every 15 to 20 seconds. Usually these Moobs die under the AOE attacks related to Dps, but if you can not hit this Moob quickly, the Rdps have a duty to hit this Moob. If they do not disappear quickly. The more moobs, the harder it becomes for the Healers .

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