Sungrass is a plant that can be harvested with Herbalism (minimum skill 230), to find Sungrass or sunflower, you should look for it in open and open areas.
Areas where this plant is found:
1- Azshara
2- Blasted Lands
3- Burning Steppes
4- Eastern Plaguelands
5- Feralas
6- Silithus
7- The Hinterlands
8- Un’Goro Crater
9- Western Plaguelands
This plant can be effective in jobs that can be mentioned as an ingredient for the following jobs :
[Superior Healing Potion]
[Invisibility Potion]
[Elixir of Greater Agility]
[Elixir of Giants]
[Superior Mana Potion]
[Elixir of Superior Defense]
[Advanced Herbalism]
[Violet Pigment]
[Ruby Pigment]