آموزش World Of Warcraft

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Seeing these maps, Better level up

Seeing these maps, Better level up

To level up the heroes, you usually have to go to areas and cities where the creatures are a little less than you or the distance between you, many, especially those who want to get acquainted with the game of world of warcraft, where to go

Unfortunately, they do not know and they spend hours in the map, which upsets them. To relax and learn where is the best place for you to roll up now, we have prepared some maps of world of warcraft, which by looking at these maps with rolling creatures or level npc Get to know these areas and roll up easier and faster.
  • Note: The Cromulent add -on can be very effective in this regard .
Eastern Kingdoms
number Area title LEVEL Notes
1 Dun Morogh 1-20 Alliance only
2 Elwynn Forest 1-20 Alliance only
3 Eversong Woods 1-20 Only Horde
5 Tirisfal Glades 1-20 Only Horde
6 Westfall 10-60 Alliance only
7 Ghostlands 10-60 Only Horde
8 Loch Modan 10-60 Alliance only
9 Silverpine Forest 10-60 Only Horde
10 Redridge Mountains 15-60 Alliance only
11 Duskwood 20-60 Alliance only
12 Hillsbrad Foothills 15-60 Only Horde
13 Wetlands 20-60 Alliance only
14 Arathi Highlands 25-60
17 The Hinterlands 30-60
18 Western Plaguelands 35-60
19 Eastern Plaguelands 40-60
20 Badlands 40-60
21 Searing Gorge 40-60
22 Burning Steppes 40-60
23 Swamp of Sorrows 40-60
24 Blasted Lands 40-60
25 Deadwind Pass 50-60 No effort
number Area title LEVEL Notes
1 Azuremyst Isle 1-20 Alliance only
2 Durotar 1-20 Only Horde
3 Mulgore 1-20 Only Horde
4 Teldrassil 1-20 Alliance only
5 Azshara 10-60 Only Horde
6 Bloodmyst Isle 10-60 Alliance only
7 Darkshore 10-60 Alliance only
9 Ashenvale 15-60
10 Stonetalon Mountains 20-60
11 Desolace 30-60
13 Dustwallow Marsh 35-60
14 Feralas 35-60
15 Thousand Needles 40-60
16 Felwood 40-60
17 Tanaris 40-60
18 Un’Goro Crater 40-60
19 Winterspring 40-60
20 Silithus 40-60
21 Moonglade 1-90 No effort


  • The image below also shows the complete lull of each area.
  • Note: Since our site has a very strong and complete world of warcraft database, you can see all these maps and Flight Masters in the database.




  • Of course, the map below the new areas that are not in patch 3.3.5 is also included, which is not much of a case. By pressing the m key in your game, you can check whether this is a new case or not.
  • Note: Since our site has a very strong and complete world of warcraft database, you can see all these maps and Flight Masters in the database.






  • The following map shows areas called outland and northrend with each area lol:






  • The images below are also related to https://wikiwow.ir/dl/2021/04/Flight-Masters.png Flight Masters for Horde and Alliance .














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