Saronite Ore is a metal found only in Northrend and you can make Saronite Bar with two pieces of Saronite Ore dripped from Saronite Deposit and Rich Saronite Deposit ores .
The last point is that the level of your mining job should be skill 400, which is literally that person in the game of wold of warcraft, the Grand Master.
Saronite Deposit Drop Areas :
1- Crystalsong Forest
2- Dragonblight
3- Grizzly Hills
4- Icecrown
5- Sholazar Basin
6- The Storm Peaks
7- Wintergrasp
8- Zul’Drak
Rich Saronite Deposit Drop Zones :
1- Crystalsong Forest
2- Dragonblight
3- Icecrown
4- Sholazar Basin
5- The Storm Peaks
6- Wintergrasp
As an ingredient:
A skillful Saronite Ore ore of 400 can be predicted by Jewelcrafting to create an unusual, rare gem:
- Crystallized Earth
- Crystallized Shadow
- Dark Jade
- Sun Crystal
- Huge Citrine
- Chalcedony
- Bloodstone
- Shadow Crystal
- Twilight Opal
- Scarlet Ruby
- Autumn’s Glow
- Forest Emerald
- Monarch Topaz
- Sky Sapphire
Saronite Bar is used in other jobs, including:
- Brilliant Saronite collection items
- Ornate Saronite Battlegear items
- Savage Saronite Battlegear items
- Tempered Saronite collection items
[Cudgel of Saronite Justice]
[Daunting Handguards]
[Daunting Legplates]
[Eternal Belt Buckle]
[Furious Saronite Beatstick]
[Helm of Command]
[Honed Cobalt Cleaver]
[Icebane Chestguard]
[Icebane Girdle]
[Icebane Treads]
[Righteous Gauntlets]
[Righteous Greaves]
[Saronite Ambusher]
[Saronite Bulwark]
[Saronite Defender]
[Saronite Protector]
[Saronite Shiv]
[Saronite Spellblade]
[Savage Cobalt Slicer]
[Titanium Shield Spike]
[Titanium Skeleton Key]
[Titanium Weapon Chain]
[Vengeance Bindings]
- Armorsmithing و Weapon smithing :
[Chestplate of Conquest]
[Corroded Saronite Edge]
[Corroded Saronite Woundbringer]
[Legplates of Conquest]
[Saronite Mindcrusher]
[Frozen Orb] :
[Brilliant Titansteel Helm]
[Brilliant Titansteel Treads]
[Spiked Titansteel Helm]
[Spiked Titansteel Treads]
[Tempered Titansteel Helm]
[Tempered Titansteel Treads]
[Titansteel Bonecrusher]
[Titansteel Destroyer]
[Titansteel Guardian]
[Titansteel Shanker]
[Titansteel Shield Wall]
[Armor Plated Combat Shotgun]
[Box of Bombs]
[Global Thermal Sapper Charge]
[Gnomish Army Knife]
[Gnomish Lightning Generator]
[Goblin Beam Welder]
[Healing Injector Kit]
[Heartseeker Scope]
[Mana Injector Kit]
[Mark “S” Boomstick]
[Scrapbot Construction Kit]
[Titanium Toolbox]