آموزش World Of Warcraft

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Quest Training Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings

Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings : Ancient Kings is a mythical garment made by the Titans and given to the first earth king to give more life to more lands,during the First War between Earthen and the Iron Dwarfs. , This weapon was broken into pieces that are thought to have been destroyed for many millennia.

Acquisition of Val’anyr Before acquiring Val’anyr, the Druid, Monk, Paladin, Priest or Shaman player (who is at least level 80) must collect the Fragment of Val’anyr x30 from the bosses inside Ulduar.

Just do not forget the chance drop and the fact that in hard mode the drop increases.

Note: Ignis the Furnace Master , Razorscale and Auriaya do not have a hard drive.

After obtaining 30 of the Fragment of Val’anyr , the player must collect the pieces in broken pieces from the

Unbound Fragments of Val’anyr to search for ancient history and then archive the pieces (behind the Iron Council Room). ) In Oldvar.

Quest Training Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings

When you collect 30 of the Fragment of Val’anyr , you will receive npc that you can find in the ulduar and behind the Stormcaller Brundir boss, and note that you have to take a new quest in 25 man mode and then go to the Brain of Yogg-Saron

You have to cheat the yogi-saron boss in tree light mode and in the last phase of the item quest, and then drop a quest item from the boss (the item quest in the last phase of the boss smile should be cheated until the quest comes)

Item Quest: Forming Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings

To better understand, I posted a video of the steps of this quest to see together.





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