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PVE Marksmanship Hunter DPS


PVE Marksmanship Hunter DPS training

In this post, you will get acquainted with the following tutorials

1- Best Enchantments for PVE Marksmanship Hunter DPS class

2- The best socket and Gem for PVE Marksmanship Hunter DPS

3- Best Talent – Talent for PVE Marksmanship Hunter DPS class and gameplay and skill tips, team settings.

4- Rotations or how to play with the PVE Marksmanship Hunter DPS class

The best and most practical job for the PVE Marksmanship Hunter DPS class is tailoring and Jewelcrafting .











The best type of Glyphs for PVE Marksmanship Hunter DPS What glyphs can be?

  1. Glyph of Serpent Sting
  2. Glyph of Steady Shot
  3. Glyph of Kill Shot
  1. Glyph of Feign Death
  2. Glyph of Mend Pet
  3. Glyph of Revive Pet

  1. Meta: Relentless Earthsiege Diamond
  2. Red: Fractured Cardinal Ruby , Delicate Cardinal Ruby
  3. Yellow: Smooth King’s Amber , Deadly Ametrine , Rigid King’s Amber
  4. Blue: Nightmare Tear x1

  1. HeadArcanum of Torment
  2. ShoulderGreater Inscription of the Axe
  3. CloakEnchant Cloak – Major Agility
  4. ChestScroll of Enchant Chest – Powerful Stats
  5. BracersScroll of Enchant Bracers – Greater Assault
  6. GlovesEnchant Gloves – Major Agility
  7. WaistEternal Belt Buckle
  8. LegsIcescale Leg Armor
  9. BootsScroll of Enchant Boots – Tuskarr’s Vitality
  10. two-handed Enchant 2H Weapon – Massacre
  11. one-handedEnchant Weapon – Superior Potency
  12. RangedHeartseeker Scope






Kill Shot

Serpent StingChimera ShotAimed ShotArcane ShotSteady Shot

Well, we go to the main point, which is ROTATION

Please note this before starting!

Very important point : your hero is Hunter , so you are expected Trueshot AuraMisdirection and use MD or on the main tank before each mob or boss is pulled, and damage them all to your aggrow Move to the main tank

The next issue is Aspect, which of course still occurs to me while I am Lava Burst on Aspect of the Viper !!! So check to be on Aspect of the Dragonhawk .

Important Note 2 : Your Full CD macro comes with Serpent Sting , so you do not need to hit it again!

The first method :

use full Cd macro > Aimed shot > Chimera shot > Readiness > Chimera shot > Aimed shot > Spam Steady shot > Chimera shot > Rapid fire > Aimed shot > Spam Steady shot

The second method :

use full Cd macro > Aimed shot > Chimera shot > Readiness > 2x steady shot > Chimera shot > 2x Steady shot > Aimed shot >2x Steady shot > Chimera shot > Full Cd > 2x Steady shot > Aimed shot

Third method:

use full Cd macro > Aimed shot > Aimed shot > Chimera shot > Readiness > Aimed shot > Arcane shot > Chimera shot > Spam Steady shot > Aimed shot > full Cd > Arcane shot > Chimera shot > Steady shot

Among these methods, I use the first method myself for 4 reasons: 1: It is simpler.

2: Improved Steady Shot always gives Chimera Shot which has a lot of damage

3: It works better for AoE.

4: Arcane Shot is spell damage and has a low Crit and also consumes more mana and reduces the chance of improved Steady Shot .

How to AoE: If there are many mobs, first of all approach them and use Misdirection + and then move away from them and target a mob and give it an Auto attack and on all mobs volley. But if the number of mobs was small or your goal was to gradually kill the mobs with your target, you use Rotation, with the difference that you use instead of Aimed Shot and Volley instead of Steady ShotMulti-ShotExplosive TrapVolley

7. Important and necessary points

Chimera Shot can extend the toxin on the target and has 3 different functions.

If the poison on our Target is a serpent sting, it will Chimera Shot apply 40% of the damage that this poison has on it, and if Scorpid Sting , it will disarm or disarm it, and if it is a Viper sting , it will kill the Target mana and give it to you ( Very suitable for filling mana in fights such as: and …) Lady Deathwhisper Kel’Thuzad

Feign Death can cause a fake death to take your target away from others and also zero your aggrow. 3>

Multi-purpose macros:

Macro full Cd:

#showtooltip Rapid Fire
cast Rapid Fire/
cast !Kill Command/
cast Rabid/
cast Furious Howl/
cast Serpent Sting/

Macro Chimera shot :

#showtooltip Chimera Shot
cast !auto shot/
cast Chimera Shot/
cast !Kill Command/
cast !silencing shot/
cast Rabid/
use 10/
run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()/

Macro Aimed shot :

#showtooltip Aimed Shot
cast !auto shot/
cast Aimed Shot/
cast !Kill Command/
cast !silencing shot/
cast Rabid/
use 10/
run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()/

Macro Steady shot :

#showtooltip Steady Shot
cast !auto shot/
cast Steady Shot/
cast !silencing shot/
cast Rabid/
use 10/
run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()/

Macro Tranquilizing shot :

#showtooltiip Tranquilizing Shot
target Shambling Horror/

cast Tranquilizing Shot/




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