آموزش World Of Warcraft

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Project Grunt: Orgrimmar Full Gate In Ue5


Project Grunt: Orgrimmar Full Gate In Ue5: A video has recently been released on YouTube that was made by an individual or group I do not know exactly, but the page and channel that publishes this video on YouTube is called AXCEL.

This video shows a very high graphics of world of warcraft game, and in the last few days that this video has been released, this video has been well received, showing the front door and the city of orgrimmar in three minutes, apparently in this video, Apparently, in this video, making the same area, but with very good graphics, good design and background, and containing very beautiful sound and scenes.

I think it ‘s very similar to reality and I’ve been waiting for such features together for world of warcraft, and it’ s kind of like a call of duty (personal opinion), if Blizzard designs the look of the game in this way in new updates, very much It will be great.





Let’s see another example of very spectacular videos published by the same page and channel.





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