Mageroyal is a plant that can be harvested with Herbalism (50), or purchased in limited quantities from vendors. seems to be edible because it is used in the recipe for Delicious Chocolate Cake .
Mageroyal can be found in plains and low-level areas.
Occasionally, players Mageroyal may Swiftthistle .
Also sold with limited supply by sellers and Alchemy’s reward quest for the Alliance, also known as Elixirs for the Bladeleafs .
Areas where this plant is found:
1- Ashenvale
2- Darkshore
3- Durotar
4- Duskwood
5- Hillsbrad Foothills
6- Loch Modan
7- Redridge Mountains
8- Silverpine Forest
9- Stonetalon Mountains
10- Teldrassil
11- Westfall
12- Wetlands
This plant can be effective in jobs that can be mentioned as an ingredient for the following jobs :
[Minor Mana Potion] (25)
[Minor Rejuvenation Potion] (40)
[Elixir of Wisdom] (90)
[Lesser Mana Potion] (120)
[Delicious Chocolate Cake] (1)
[Dusky Pigment]
[Verdant Pigment]