Liferoot is a plant that can becollected with Herbalism (minimum skill 150), Liferoot can be found on the shores of lakes, rivers or freshwater pools.
Areas where this plant is found:
1- Alterac Mountains
2- Arathi Highlands
3- Ashenvale
4- Desolace
5- Dustwallow Marsh
6- Feralas
7- Hillsbrad Foothills
8- Stranglethorn Vale
9- Swamp of Sorrows
10- The Hinterlands
11- Wetlands
This plant can be effective in jobs that can be mentioned as an ingredient for the following jobs :
[Greater Healing Potion]
[Major Troll’s Blood Elixir]
[Nature Protection Potion]
[Golden Pigment]
[Burnt Pigment]