Warlock means Exorcist and wears the lowest level of the item i.e. Cloth , which Rdps is very scary and the items it can get are: one-hand sword, wand, staff and in terms of race suitable for this class, orc can also It should be a good race that includes both pve and pvp and can summon pets to help him in the game.
Note: The minimum level to receive quests must be 30.
Alliance Chain Quest:
- For Race Human it is in StormWind and for Gnome it is in Iron Forge . (Warlock Trainers)
- Seeking Strahad : You need to go toThe Ratchetlocated in The Barrens.
- Tome of the Cabal : You must go to theIron Forge.
- Tome of the Cabal : The second part where you have to go to the caves of Hillsbrad Foothills and Thousand Needlesand take the Quest Item.
- Tome of the Cabal : Part 3 Go to the indicated location
- The Binding : which is the last part where you have to summon and kill Felhunter.
Horde Chain Quest:
- It starts in Orgrimmar or the Undercity
- Seeking Strahad : Go to The Ratchet in The Barrens
- Tome of the Cabal : Go to the Undercity
- Tome of the Cabal : The second part where you have to go to Hillsbrad Foothills and Thousand
- Tome of the Cabal : The third part where you have to go to Wetland through Arathi Highlands
- The Binding : which is the last part where you have to summon and kill Felhunter
Note: I will explain about the orc class. You see, there is no difference between undead and orc class missions. Just for the undead class I’d go to the Undercity, but for the orc you go to Orgrimmar and let’s see pictures of these quests together.
The quests we do in order:
- Summon Voidwalker Quest (Level 10):
Undead: In this post, we will complete all the quests with this race, and we have explained this race in full below.
Orc: Since we teach the steps of completing quests with the Undead race , we prepared a video of the completion steps for the Orc race , whose quests are slightly different.
Gan’rul’s Summons : Click to see a video of completing this quest.
Creature of the Void : Click to see the video of completing this quest.
The Binding : Click to see the video of completing this quest.
- Summon Succubus Quest (Level 20):
Undead: In this post, we will complete all the quests with this race, and we have explained this race in full below.
Orc: Since we teach the steps of completing quests with the Undead race , we prepared a video of the completion steps for the Orc race , whose quests are slightly different.
Devourer of Souls : Click to see the video of completing this quest.
Blind Cazul : Click to see the video of completing this quest.
News of Dogran : Click to see the video of the completion of this quest.
News of Dogran : Click to see the video of the completion of this quest.
Ken’zigla’s Draught : Click to see a video of completing this quest.
Dogran’s Captivity : Click to see the video of completing this quest.
Love’s Gift : Click to see the video of completing this quest.
The Binding : Click to see the video of completing this quest.
- Summon Felhunter Quest (Level 30):
Undead and Orc : These quests are common to both races.
- Inferno Quest (Level 50):
- Doomguard Pet Quest (Level 60):
Note: For a better understanding of the steps of completing the quests, a video has been prepared, edited and added of the steps and the process of completing each quest individually.
Note: All videos are prepared and edited by wikiwow .
- The following images are related to the quest: Fragments of the Orb of Orahil
Quest start: Menara Voidrender
Quest End: Tabetha
Description: To complete this quest, kill the Burning Blade Summoner mobs and drop the Infernal Orb quest item .
- The following images are related to the quest: Cleansing of the Orb of Orahil
Description: After getting the npc quest, it starts by summoning a mob named Demon of the Orb and you have to kill this mob.
- The following images are related to the quest: Returning the Cleansed Orb
Quest start: Tabetha
Quest End: Menara Voidrender
- The following images are related to the quest: The Completed Orb of Dar’Orahil
Quest start: Menara Voidrender
Quest End: Menara Voidrender
- The following images are related to the quest: Tome of the Cabal
Quest start: Strahad Farsan
Quest End: Jorah Annison
Description: Go to Undercity and deliver the quest.
- The following images are related to the quest: Tome of the Cabal
Quest start: Jorah Annison
Quest End: Jorah Annison
Description: To complete this quest, you need two quest items called Moldy Tome and Tattered Manuscript . To get these items, pay attention to the places indicated in the pictures below.
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