Today we are going to check the oracles quests in the Sholazar Basin area , so that you can get the beautiful mount Reins of the Green Proto-Drake after completing these quests.
- Note: Preferably try to go along with the pictures and explanations and supplemental videos of each quest so that you don’t get into trouble.
- Note: For a better understanding of the steps of completing the quests, a video has been prepared, edited and added of the steps and the process of completing each quest individually.
- Note: All videos are prepared and edited by wikiwow .
We do the following quests in order:
[76] The Part-time Hunter (optional)
[77] Playing Along
- Complete both to continue:
- Complete both to continue:
[77] Flown the Coop!
- Complete both to continue:
[77] The Underground Menace
[77] Mischief in the Making
[77] A Rough Ride
- Complete both to continue:
[77] Chief It
[77] Just Following Orders
[77] Fortunate Misunderstandings
- Complete both to continue:
[77] Making Peace
[77] Back So Soon?
- Complete both to continue:
[77] The Lost Mistwhisper Treasure
[77] Forced Hand
[77] Home Time!
[77] The Angry Gorloc
- Complete both to continue:
[77] A Hero’s Burden
[77 Daily] Frenzyheart Champion
[77 Daily] Hand of the Oracles
- The following pictures are related to the quest: The Part-time Hunter
Quest start: Tamara Wobblesprocket
Quest End: Tamara Wobblesprocket
Description: To complete this quest, you need the item Pitch’s Remains , which is dropped by the mob named Pitch .
- The following pictures are related to Quest: Playing Along
Quest start: Tracker Gekgek
Quest End: High-Shaman Rakjak
Description: Keep in mind that you should get the next quest from the npc named Tracker Gekgek , as described above and the pictures below .
- The following pictures are related to the quest: The Ape Hunter’s Slave
Quest Start: High-Shaman Rakjak
Quest End: High-Shaman Rakjak
Description: To complete this quest, you must kill 8 Hardknuckle Foragers and 6 Hardknuckle Chargers .
- The following images are related to the quest: Tormenting the Softknuckles
Quest start: Goregek the Gorilla Hunter
Quest End: High-Shaman Rakjak
- Click to see the video of completing this quest.
Description: As you can see in the picture, to get the Tormenting the Softknuckles quest , you need to open your character’s bag, the quest item called Goregek’s Shackles appears in your bag, and just click on Goregek’s Shackles to get the quest. , and to complete this quest, you throw the Softknuckle Poker item at the baby monkeys to spawn a mob called the Hardknuckle Matriarch , and then kill it.
- The following images related to the quest: The Wasp Hunter’s Apprentice
Quest Start: High-Shaman Rakjak
Quest End: High-Shaman Rakjak
Description: You must kill 6 Sapphire Hive Wasps and 9 Sapphire Hive Drones .
In order not to burden the page and for your convenience, see the continuation below
Click to see the continuation of oracles quests.