Tournament quests are located in the Northrend – Icecrown – Argent Tournament Grounds area, which will become available for you after Exalted, such as the ability to buy mounts and axes, etc. Quests in this area are reset daily. It is possible, but because I didn’t have time and wanted to do a series, I completed some quests with the gm command, so that I can go to the quest of the future days now, but it doesn’t make any difference at all.
- Note: I did the quests with the blood elf race, if you want to do it with another race, there are a few less difficult quests.
- Note: After completing the quests that we review in this educational post, you must complete the daily quests of this area in the following days to be Exalted with this faction. In this regard, we will discuss the daily quests of the Argent Tournament in our separate post .
For Horde, the quests we do are as follows:
[80] The Argent Tournament
[80] Mastery Of Melee
[80] Mastery Of The Charge
[80] Mastery Of The Shield-Breaker
[80] Up To The Challenge
[80 Daily] A Blade Fit For a Champion -or- The Edge Of Winter -or- A Worthy Weapon
[80 Daily] Training In The Field
[80 Daily] Learning The Reins
[80] The Aspirant’s Challenge
[80] A Valiant Of Silvermoon
[80] A Valiant Of Undercity
[80] A Valiant Of Orgrimmar
[80] A Valiant Of Thunder Bluff
[80] A Valiant Of Sen’jin
[80] The Valiant’s Charge
[80 Daily] A Blade Fit For a Champion -or- The Edge Of Winter -or- A Worthy Weapon
[80 Daily] A Valiant’s Field Training
[80 Daily] The Grand Melee
[80 Daily] At The Enemy’s Gates
[80] The Valiant’s Challenge
[80] A Champion Rises
After completing:
[80] A Valiant Of Silvermoon
[80] A Valiant Of Undercity
[80] A Valiant Of Orgrimmar
[80] A Valiant Of Thunder Bluff
[80] A Valiant Of Sen’jin
For Alliance, the quests we do are as follows:
[80] The Argent Tournament
[80] Mastery Of Melee
[80] Mastery Of The Charge
[80] Mastery Of The Shield-Breaker
[80] Up To The Challenge
[80 Daily] A Blade Fit For a Champion -or- The Edge Of Winter -or- A Worthy Weapon
[80 Daily] Training In The Field
[80 Daily] Learning The Reins
[80] The Aspirant’s Challenge
[80] A Valiant Of The Exodar
[80] A Valiant Of Ironforge
[80] A Valiant Of Gnomeregan
[80] A Valiant Of Stormwind
[80] A Valiant Of Darnassus
[80] The Valiant’s Charge
[80 Daily] A Blade Fit For a Champion -or- The Edge Of Winter -or- A Worthy Weapon
[80 Daily] A Valiant’s Field Training
[80 Daily] The Grand Melee
[80 Daily] At The Enemy’s Gates
[80] The Valiant’s Challenge
[80] A Champion Rises
After completing:
[80] A Valiant Of The Exodar
[80] A Valiant Of Ironforge
[80] A Valiant Of Gnomeregan
[80] A Valiant Of Stormwind
[80] A Valiant Of Darnassus
- Note: As we explained above, after you complete the initial quests, you must complete the unlocked quests daily to become Exalted with this faction, which we will fully cover in a separate post about the daily quests of the Argent Tournament .
- Note: To do the quests, I used the Horde hero, but according to the picture above, the camp and location of the Horde and Allince quests are indicated, if in the next pictures we take the quest from the Horde camp, for your Alliance , go to another camp that is near This is the Horde camp , the place and position of which has been determined.
- Note: To complete the Mastery Of Melee , Mastery Of The Charge , and Mastery Of The Shield-Breaker quests , we have prepared a video so that you can complete the above quests easily by watching this video.
- Note: We do not add images to complete these three quests.
Quest start: Magister Edien Sunhollow
Quest End: Magister Edien Sunhollow
Description: In this quest, you must hit a Melee target five times with Thrust , use Shield-Breaker on 2 Ranged targets, use Charge on 2 Charge targets, which we fully explained in the video below.
- The following images are related to the quest: The Argent Tournament
Quest start: Justicar Mariel Trueheart
Quest End: Magister Edien Sunhollow
- The following pictures are related to the quest: The Black Knight of Silverpine?
Quest start: Crusader Rhydalla
- Quest End: Crusader Rhydalla
- Click to see the video of completing this quest.
Description: To complete this quest, you must go to the Silverpine Forest area and pick up the Dusty Journal item in the house next to the road where I stood in the picture below , and if the pictures below do not explain the problem, refer to the video to complete this quest.
- The following images are related to the quest: The Seer’s Crystal
Quest start: Crusader Rhydalla
Quest End: Crusader Rhydalla
- The following pictures are related to Quest: Training In The Field
Quest start: Amariel Sunsworn
Quest End: Amariel Sunsworn
Description: This quest is very simple and wants to kill 8 Icecrown Scourge creatures that are shown in the pictures below.
- The following images are related to the quest: The Seer’s Crystal
Quest start: Crusader Rhydalla
- Quest End: Crusader Rhydalla
- Click to see the video of completing this quest.
Description: To complete this quest, you must go to the Crystalsong Forest area , drop the Seer’s Crystal item by killing the Unbound Seers as shown in the images below, and if the images below do not explain the problem, refer to the video to complete this quest.
- The following images are related to the quest: A Blade Fit For A Champion
Description: When you get this quest, you will be given an item called Warts-B-Gone Lip Balm at the same time, which you must click on and then go to the lake in the middle of Grizzly Hills , which is shown in the pictures, then next to this lake there are some There are frogs that you have to target and then type the command /kiss and hit enter on your system keyboard, and after repeating this, an npc named Maiden of Ashwood Lake will appear and after talking to her, your quest will be completed.
- The following images are related to the quest: Learning The Reins
Quest start: Galathia Brightdawn
Quest End: Galathia Brightdawn
Description: The process and steps of completing this quest are exactly the same as the Mastery Of Melee , Mastery Of The Charge , and Mastery Of The Shield-Breaker quests , which we explained in full video above.
- The following pictures are related to the quest: The Stories Dead Men Tell
Quest start: Crusader Rhydalla
Quest End: Crusader Rhydalla
Description: To complete this quest, go to the graveyard near where you get the quest, and then use the Seer’s Crystal, Seer’s Crystal in the grave of Sir Wendell Balfour, Lorin Sunblaze, and Irongrip’s channel to determine how they died.
- The following pictures are related to the quest: There’s Something About the Squire
Quest start: Crusader Rhydalla
Quest End: Crusader Rhydalla
Description: This quest is a bit difficult, you must first drop the item called Large Femur , which I drop in the pictures below, by killing the Skeletal Woodcutter , and then you must go next to Maloric and use the Large Femur item on it, then the quest item. You will be dropped, and if the pictures below do not explain the problem, refer to the video to complete this quest.
- The following images are related to the quest: The Black Knight’s Orders
Quest start: Crusader Rhydalla
Quest End: Crusader Rhydalla
Description: There is a mount near the place where you get the quest, which you can see in the picture below, just ride this mount and after reaching the destination, there are quest items in the huts that you have to take.
- Note: From the images below, this area will give you daily quests, and to be exalted, you must complete the quests daily.
- Horde main areas :
- The main areas of the Alliance :
- The following pictures are related to the quest: The Aspirant’s Challenge
Quest start: Magister Edien Sunhollow
Quest End: Magister Edien Sunhollow
Description: When we see this quest on the map, it shows a point in the city of Dun Morogh, which has nothing to do with it, and you must first ride the special mount and mount and talk to Squire David in the same area where you got the quest, so that you can duel with an opponent. Let’s start stubbornly, and if the pictures below do n’t explain the problem, refer to the video to complete this quest.
- The following pictures are related to the quest: A Valiant Of Silvermoon
Quest start: Magister Edien Sunhollow
Quest End: Eressea Dawnsinger
Description: Since the race of the hero I am doing the quests is Blood Elf, as a result , he gives me the quest A Valiant Of Silvermoon .
- The following images are related to the quest: The Grand Melee
Quest start: Aneera Thuron
Quest End: Aneera Thuron
- The following pictures are related to the quest: A Valiant’s Field Training
Description: This quest is very easy and you have to kill 10 Converted Hero in Icecrown .
- The following pictures are related to the quest: At The Enemy’s Gates
Quest start: Morah Worgsister
Quest End: Morah Worgsister
Description: To do this quest, first go to Icecrown and there you will see a camp called The Court of Bones , which is shown in the pictures below, and then you take an item called Argent Lance , which is similar to a spear, and ride a horse, which you must Kill the following mobs.
- Boneguard Footman (15)
- Boneguard Scout (10)
- Boneguard Lieutenant (3)
- The following pictures are related to the quest: The Valiant’s Challenge
Quest start: Mokra the Skullcrusher
Quest End: Mokra the Skullcrusher
Description: To complete this quest, you must ride the mount you see in the picture below.
- The following images are related to the quest: A Champion Rises
Quest start: Eressea Dawnsinger
Quest End: Justicar Mariel Trueheart
- The following images are related to the quest: The Scourgebane
Quest start: Justicar Mariel Trueheart
Quest End: Crok Scourgebane
- The following images are related to the quest: Threat From Above
Quest start: Crok Scourgebane
Quest End: Crok Scourgebane
- Note: This threat from above quest is different for classes
- Click to see the video of completing this quest.
Description: To complete this quest, you must kill the following NPCs:
- The following images are related to the Quest: Taking Battle To The Enemy
Quest start: Zor’be the Bloodletter
Quest End: Zor’be the Bloodletter
- Click to see the video of completing this quest.
- Note: This taking battle to the enemy quest is different for classes
- The following pictures are related to the quest: Among the Champions
Quest start: Illyrie Nightfall
Quest End: Illyrie Nightfall
- Click to see the video of completing this quest.
- Note: This quest among the champions is different for classes
- Note: You have to do the quests every day , so that the store opens for you and you can buy from it.