Kingsblood is a plant that can becollected with Herbalism (minimum skill 125),
Interestingly, there is a type of butterfly that prefers to feed on Kingsblood nectar , Crimson Moths.
Kingsblood can be found in flat areas and fields or plains, and is not very close to mountains or steep slopes, but it can not be said at all, but in general it is found more in flat areas.
Areas where this plant is found:
1- Alterac Mountains
2- Arathi Highlands
3- Ashenvale
4- Badlands
5- Desolace
6- Duskwood
7- Dustwallow Marsh
8- Hillsbrad Foothills
9- Stonetalon Mountains
10- Stranglethorn Vale
11- Swamp of Sorrows
12- The Barrens
13- Thousand Needles
14- Wetlands
This plant can be effective in jobs that can be mentioned as an ingredient for the following jobs :
[Shadow Protection Potion]
[Elixir of Firepower]
[Elixir of Ogre’s Strength]
[Greater Healing Potion]
[Mana Potion]
[Great Rage Potion]
[Herbalist’s Gloves]
- Enchant Gloves – Herbalism
[Golden Pigment]
[Burnt Pigment]