If you have a level 55 hero in your account, you can easily create a new Death Knight level 55 character from any race, and as soon as you enter the game, you will face a number of quests that have a story process. To get to know the new capabilities of your hero.
As mentioned in the previous posts, we did the quests and took pictures of the stages of the game and doing the quests, so that we can see the pictures together.
Note: For a better understanding of the steps of completing the quests, a video has been prepared, edited and added of the steps and the process of completing each quest individually.
Note: All videos are prepared and edited by wikiwow .
The quests we do in order:
[55] In Service Of The Lich King
[55] The Emblazoned Runeblade
[55] Runeforging: Preparation For Battle
[55] The Endless Hunger
[55] The Eye Of Acherus
[55] Death Comes From On High
[55] The Might Of The Scourge
[55] Report To Scourge Commander Thalanor
[55] The Scarlet Harvest
- Complete all of:
[55] Gothik the Harvester
[55] The Gift That Keeps On Giving
[55] An Attack Of Opportunity
[55] Massacre At Light’s Point
[55] Victory At Death’s Breach!
[55] The Will Of The Lich King
- Side quest:
[55] The Power Of Blood, Frost And Unholy
[55] The Crypt of Remembrance
- Side chain:
[55] The Plaguebringer’s Request
[55] Noth’s Special Brew
[55] More Skulls For Brew (repeatable)
- Side chain:
[55] Nowhere To Run And Nowhere To Hide &
[55] Lambs To The Slaughter
[55] How To Win Friends And Influence Enemies
[55] Behind Scarlet Lines
[55] The Path Of The Righteous Crusader &
[55] Brothers In Death
[55] Bloody Breakout
[55] A Cry For Vengeance!
[55] A Special Surprise
[55] A Sort Of Homecoming
[55] Ambush At The Overlook
[55] A Meeting With Fate
[55] The Scarlet Onslaught Emerges
[55] Scarlet Armies Approach…
[55] The Scarlet Apocalypse
[55] An End To All Things…
[55] The Lich King’s Command
[55] The Light of Dawn
[8] Taking Back Acherus
[8] The Battle For The Ebon Hold
[8] Where Kings Walk or
[8] Saurfang’s Blessing
- The following images are related to the quest: In Service Of The Lich King
Start of the quest: The Lich King
Quest End: Instructor Razuvious
Description: You need to take the quest and deliver it to the desired npc.
- The following images are related to the quest: The Emblazoned Runeblade
Quest start: Instructor Razuvious
Quest End: Instructor Razuvious
Description: Where there are a number of Runebladed Sword items in the pictures , you must pick one of them.
- In this section, after you have picked up the Battle-worn Sword item that is next to the Runeforge furnace , click on the item to start its manufacturing process in the furnace.
- The following images are related to the quest: Runeforging: Preparation For Battle
Quest start: Instructor Razuvious
Quest End: Instructor Razuvious
Description: In order to complete this quest, you have to add a spell called Runeforge in your Spellbook, which is the same item for dk class, and you have to put one of the two engines in front of the Runeforge furnace and click on your sword.
- The following pictures are related to the quest: The Endless Hunger
Quest start: Instructor Razuvious
Quest End: Instructor Razuvious
- Click to see the video of completing this quest.
Description: Take the quest item Acherus Shackle Key and fight with one of the Unworthy Initiate dominated as shown in the pictures below.
- The following pictures are related to the quest: The Eye Of Acherus
Quest start: Instructor Razuvious
End of Quest: The Lich King
- The following images are related to the quest: Death Comes From On High
Start Quest: The Lich King
End of Quest: The Lich King
- To do this quest, you have to go to the houses that are marked and hit level 3 on them.
- The following images are related to the quest: The Might Of The Scourge
Start Quest: The Lich King
Quest End: Highlord Darion Mograine
- The following images are related to the quest: Report To Scourge Commander Thalanor
Quest Start: Highlord Darion Mograine
Quest End: Scourge Commander Thalanor
- The following images are related to the quest: The Scarlet Harvest
Start Quest: Scourge Commander Thalanor
Quest End: Prince Valanar
- The following pictures are related to the quest: If Chaos Drives, Let Suffering Hold The Reins
Quest Start: Prince Valanar
Quest End: Prince Valanar
Description: You must kill 10 Scarlet Crusaders or 10 Scarlet Peasants and 10 Citizens of Havenshire .
- The following images are related to the quest: Grand Theft Palomino
Quest Start: Salanar the Horseman
Quest End: Salanar the Horseman
- In this quest, you ride a horse and then hit level 1 .
- The following images are related to the quest: Into the Realm of Shadows
Quest Start: Salanar the Horseman
Quest End: Salanar the Horseman
Description: In this quest, you have to go down the hill and ride the dk class mount (horse) and return to the same place where you got the quest and then hit level 1 to complete the quest.
- The following pictures are related to the quest: Death’s Challenge
Start Quest: Olrun the Battlecaller
Quest End: Olrun the Battlecaller
Description: You have to fight five death knights and win.
- The following images are related to the quest: Tonight We Dine In Havenshire
Start Quest: Orithos the Sky Darkener
Quest End: Orithos the Sky Darkener
Description: You need to collect 15 Saronite Arrows .
In order not to burden the page and for your convenience, see the continuation below.