How to get the Quest – do it and deliver it
(As you can see, at the end you have Rewards or the same reward that you can choose one of them at the end. Then click on Accept and add Quest to your Quest Log .
As you can see, by clicking on this person again to get the second quest, the shape of the previous quest! Open the next Q in the same way and accept it .
Now you should have a silver question mark above the person, which means that you have this person’s quest, but you have not done that yet.
The next step is to do the Quest . The quest I got asked me to kill 8 wolves and collect their meat and hand it over to the person I got the quest from .
Description of how to fight:
Ordinary spells and attacks can be used to kill creatures . Your initial spells are few, but as your level increases, the spells also become stronger and more. For easier use of these spells, as I said, they must be in Action . Set up a bar You have two ways to use these spells:
1- By clicking the Mouse on them, hit the desired spell on the target.
2 – Your Action Bar are the numbers above your keyboard , that is, using the number 1, you can use the first spell in the Action Bar.
To select a target, left-click on it !!! For a normal attack , you do not need to press a key constantly. Usually, your attack is the number 1 on the keyboard, and once you hit it on your opponent, your hero will start attacking automatically. And you have to use Spells and Abilities . Do not forget to use the Q and E keys in the game) !!! You will understand their use after use.
Back to Quest ! Now you go to the wolves and kill them !!! Some of your spells are for attacking the opponent and others for strengthening yourself! These spells stay on you for a while and then From there, you have to hit them again on yourself or your other friends. These types of spells are called Buffs), so remember to always Buff yourself to become stronger.
(! After killing the wolf, they turn golden in the middle and sparkle, which means that you can come out of the door, you have to left-click and so-called wolf, they take items . When you are close enough, your mouse with the shape) with Go to each Item , Loot the specifications of that item. After looting, the shape you see is this: the item is Q , and because I have to deliver 8 meats (and the first item is the same wolf meat, and this is 5 ami, ie 8). / 4 I have what you see in the picture.
After killing the wolves and eating the 8 meats, you have to go to the person from whom you got the Q. When you turn around, you will see that above the person’s head is a silver question mark with a yellow question mark, which means that he is waiting for the Quest to be delivered .
By left-clicking on it and selecting Q , the page you see should look like the one below. After selecting Reward ) Do not select the reds, I will explain the reason later (select the Complete Quest option and in addition to Xp, get your reward!
As I said, for friends who have a language problem and those who want to be fast and roll up without reading the Quest text , I suggest an AddOne add -on called Quest Helper .