Dreamfoil is a plant that can be collected with Herbalism (minimum skill 270) This substance can be found in most areas of the 50-60 level, especially in the Blasted Lands, as well as some low-lying areas and the Outland range. Community Verified icon
This plant grows in flat and open areas.
Areas where this plant is found:
1- Azshara
2- Burning Steppes
3- Eastern Plaguelands
4- Silithus
5- Un’Goro Crater
6- Western Plaguelands
This plant can be effective in jobs that can be mentioned as an ingredient for the following jobs :
- Elixir of the Sages
- Greater Dreamless Sleep Potion
- Elixir of Major Mageblood
- Greater Arcane Elixir
- Greater Arcane Protection Potion
- Greater Fire Protection Potion
- Greater Frost Protection Potion
- Greater Nature Protection Potion
- Greater Shadow Protection Potion
- Major Mana Potion
- Adept’s Elixir
- Flask of Distilled Wisdom
- Flask of Supreme Power
- Major Rejuvenation Potion