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Download Addons Gladius

Download Addons Gladius

This very useful add-on that comes in cartoons in arena and pvp is much customizable for targeting or easier targeting and focus, adding enemy frames in the arena , and you can get more features of this plugin Enable or disable.

Modules and features:

Using 3.0 Arena Unit IDs , it allows full performance even if the enemy is initially in combat .

Including :

General arena unit frame features

  1. HP bar + Text
  2. Mana bar + Text
  3. Cast bar + Text
  4. Class icon

PvP trinket status:

  • Five display options:
    1. Name icon.
    2. Name text.

Another good feature is that in the notifications section it has you:

  1. New Enemy Declaration : Announces new enemies.
  2. Trinket notification : Announces trinket usage time / ready again.
  3. Low heal enemies: Announces enemies who want to die, you can set your own percentage.
  4. Aura Notification – Aura : Announces the use and shows you.
  5. Cooldown Notification : Announced cooldown has been used.
  6. Auras : Shows important margins and important debuffs in the arena .
  7. You can add, remove or edit Aura via the settings page.
  8. Cooldown Tracker – Cooldown : Shows the enemy
  9. You can : enable or disable individual cooldowns or entire classes, set the type or sound of the declaration to the cooldown used.
  10. DR Tracker : Shows the reduced efficiency of arena enemies. ( shows diminish )
  11. You can : Disable / Disable or Disable Low Return Types Enable or Disable Reduced Return Value.
  12. Click actions : You can choose what happens when you click the Gladius button.

And very good other features…






برای دانلود ادونس Gladius اینجا کلیک کنید

حجم فایل : 217 KB

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