Download Addons EpGp
This Addon is one of the best Addons available for Guildmasters with which they can give points to their Members !
After downloading, extract and drop the internal folder in the Interface section and enter the game! After entering the game, write this Command in Say: epgp /
In this section you can rate the players , first click on the tick at the top of the [ Show Everyone ] page to display all the players
then click on one of them to open this page:
1- Gp Reson : In this section, you select the desired item (the item must be in your Bag )
2- Value : Write the amount you want to reduce from the Player score and click on Credit Gp to decrease the desired score.
3- Ep Reason : In this section , you select the desired Instance
4- Value : Write the amount you want to give points to the Player and click on Award Ep to add the desired point.