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Worldserver.conf file settings


In this post, I want to explain the settings that are commonly used for private game servers, that by changing the values ​​in this file, you can have what you want about your server.

# Rate.XP.Kill: Kill an NPC to increase or decrease the XP percentage

# Rate.XP.Quest: Perform a Quest to increase or decrease the XP percentage

# Rate.RepairCost: To increase or decrease the percentage of money you have to pay to repair items

# Rate.Honor: To increase or decrease the amount of Honor to kill the opposite generation

# Rate.Talent: To increase or decrease the number of talent points

# Rate.Reputation.Gain: Kill an NPC to increase or decrease Rep

# Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Kill: Kill a low-rolling NPC to increase or decrease Rep

# Rate.Reputation.LowLevel.Quest: Perform a low-roll Quest to increase or decrease Rep

# Rate.MoveSpeed: To increase or decrease the speed

# PlayerLimit: To increase or decrease the capacity of the reel

# MaxWhoListReturns: You can change the value to increase or decrease the player list in the Who List, which normally does not usually show more than 49 or 50 people.

# MaxPlayerLevel: To increase or decrease the last Level that the player can receive. For example Level 255 or 85 and ور servers

# StartPlayerLevel: To increase or decrease the Level of new heroes. That is, the start level of the new heroes from which level to start.

# StartHeroicPlayerLevel: To increase or decrease the start of Hero Level with Deathknight class.

# StartPlayerMoney: To increase the initial money amount of the hero.

# MaxHonorPoints: To increase or decrease the maximum that a hero can collect Honor.

# MaxArenaPoints: To increase or decrease the maximum that a hero can collect in the Arena.

# GM.InWhoList.Level: To display the GM or Admin name in the Who List

# GM.StartLevel: To increase or decrease the level of the new hero in the GM account

# GM.AllowInvite: To access a player that can Invite Gm.

# PlayerSaveInterval: The length of time the player is saved.

# MinPlayerName: The minimum capacity to choose a hero’s name is usually 2, meaning the player must enter at least 2 characters for his hero.

# MinPetName: The minimum capacity to select a Pet name is typically 2, meaning the player must enter at least 2 characters for their pet.

# CastUnstuck: Add Stuck to the player after bringing it to life by Sprite

# Instance.ResetTimeHour: Ince reset time

# Event.Announce: Enable sending messages when starting an Event

#Motd: To send a welcome message or هنگام when the player enters

# AllowTickets: Allow to send new tickets

# Warden.Enabled: Enable or disable anti-importer

# Warden.BanDuration: The duration of a user error

# StrictPlayerNames: Used to restrict the hero’s name. If it is 1, only English letters can be used.

# ChatLevelReq.Say: This is used for the time when the user can not chat until, for example, up to level 20.

# ChatLevelReq.Whisper: This is used for a time when the user can not whisper if, for example, up to level 20.

# AutoBroadcast.On: To enable automatic messaging on the server

# AutoBroadcast.Timer: To set the sending time of the push message

# Battleground.QueueAnnouncer.Enable: Sends a message when a player joins Bg.

# Battleground.GiveXPForKills: To set XP capture in BattleGrand.

# PlayerStart.AllReputation: Have the required reps like dropping items, mont and هنگام when starting a new hero

# PlayerStart.AllSpells: Having all the spells when starting a new hero

# PvPToken.Enable: Enable PVP Token

# PvPToken.MapAllowType: Locations where you want to give a PVP Token to the user. that if :

Enter 1 is given in Battlegrounds and Gurubashi arena.
Enter 2 is only given in Gurubashi arena.
Drop 3 in BG only.
Enter 4 is given in all maps.

# PvPToken.ItemID: In this field, you must enter the Enter ID that you want to be PVP Token.

# PvPToken.ItemCount: The number of PVP Tokens you want to give.

# LevelReq.Mail: The minimum level that a player must have to be able to Mail.

# LevelReq.Ticket: The minimum level that the player must have to be able to tick.


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