Earthroot is a plant that can be collected by Herbalism (medicinal plants).
This plant is found in rocky areas and at the bottom of cliffs and hills and can be found in the range of sellers, as well as a reward and quest reward from Alliance Alchemy that you can get by doing the Elixirs for the Bladeleafs quest.
Areas where this plant is found:
1- Darkshore
2- Dun Morogh
3- Durotar
4- Elwynn Forest
5- Loch Modan
6- Mulgore
7- Redridge Mountains
8- Silverpine Forest
9- Teldrassil
10- Tirisfal Glades
11- Westfall
This plant can be effective in jobs that can be mentioned as an ingredient for the following jobs :
[Elixir of Lion’s Strength] (1)
[Weak Troll’s Blood Elixir] (15)
[Elixir of Minor Fortitude] (50)
[Elixir of Giant Growth] (90)
[Elixir of Ogre’s Strength] (150)
[Alabaster Pigment]