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Download PallyPower add-on for Paladin class

Download PallyPower add -on for Paladin class

This time we want to introduce you to one of the most useful and best plugins for Raid Leaders and Paladins.

This plugin speeds up the accuracy and precision of Paladin Buffs and Auras so much that all Paladin and Raid Leaders, without exception, must have this plugin installed and enabled.

With this plugin, you can easily determine in Raids (by Raid Leader or Assist) which paladin to give to which class ( Buff ) and to which class (Hero) and prevent the interference of the weavers.

Take a look at the screenshots below:

Screenshot 1: This image shows the menu of buffe settings by Raid Leader or Assist.

In the left part you can see the names of the paladins in Raid and in the upper part you can see the names of the people in Raid who are listed under their class mark (hero type).

In this menu, the user can left-click on the squares to specify the type of weaver for each class by any available paladin, or right-click to delete the weaver. You can also specify the type of Aura of each paladin.






Screenshot 2: In fact, the image below the menu of the PallyPower plugin belonging to 4 Paladins shows the type of weaving ( Buff) that should be given to each class. The aura is also specified for each paladin, and the remaining time of each weave is displayed to the right of it.

Note : To move the menu, the button must be green (if it is red, click on it)

Note : Right-click on the button to enter the settings menu and specify the weaver.

Note : To apply the weave to people, just left-click on each icon to give a 30-minute weave to all the people in that class.

Note : To give a mini-buff (10-minute buff), just select your Target and right-click on the buff icon.








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