Continue learning how to do Oracles quests
In order not to burden the first page and for your convenience, see the continuation below.
Note: For a better understanding of the steps of completing the quests, a video has been prepared, edited and added of the steps and the process of completing each quest individually.
Note: All videos are prepared and edited by wikiwow .
We do the following quests in order:
[76] The Part-time Hunter (optional)
[77] Playing Along
- Complete both to continue:
- Complete both to continue:
[77] Flown the Coop!
- Complete both to continue:
[77] The Underground Menace
[77] Mischief in the Making
[77] A Rough Ride
- Complete both to continue:
[77] Chief It
[77] Just Following Orders
[77] Fortunate Misunderstandings
- Complete both to continue:
[77] Making Peace
[77] Back So Soon?
- Complete both to continue:
[77] The Lost Mistwhisper Treasure
[77] Forced Hand
[77] Home Time!
[77] The Angry Gorloc
- Complete both to continue:
[77] A Hero’s Burden
[77 Daily] Frenzyheart Champion
[77 Daily] Hand of the Oracles
- The following images are related to the quest: The Sapphire Queen
Quest start: Elder Harkek
Quest End: High-Shaman Rakjak
Description: To complete this quest, you need the item Stinger of the Sapphire Queen , which is dropped from the mob named Sapphire Hive Queen .
- The following pictures are related to the quest: Flown the Coop!
Quest start: Elder Harkek
Quest End: Elder Harkek
Description: To complete this quest, a number of chickens are roaming around the same place where you took the quest, and you have to collect 12 Captured Chickens, which can be clicked on and can be done with the Chicken Net quest item, which is similar to a net. He threw it on the chickens and then collected them.
- The following pictures are related to the quest: The Underground Menace
Quest start: Elder Harkek
Quest End: High-Shaman Rakjak
Description: To complete this quest, you need the Claw of Serfex item , which is dropped by a mob called Serfex the Reaver .
- The following images are related to the quest: Mischief in the Making
Quest Start: High-Shaman Rakjak
Quest End: High-Shaman Rakjak
Description: You need to collect 8 Skyreach Crystal Clusters .
- The following pictures are related to Quest: A Rough Ride
Quest Start: High-Shaman Rakjak
Quest End: Zepik the Gorloc Hunter
Description: As you can see in the picture, to get the A Rough Ride quest, you need to open your character’s bag and you will see that the quest item called Zepik’s Hunting Horn appears in your bag, just click on it to get the quest. do.
Many players have problems with the steps and the process of completing this quest, because they cannot find the crocodile they need to ride, the name of this crocodile is Captive Crocolisk , which you can click on Captive Crocolisk to see the exact point of this npc in the database . If you look carefully at the place where I stood, you can find it below, and if the pictures below do n’t explain the problem, refer to the video to complete this quest.
- The following pictures are related to the quest: The Mist Isn’t Listening
Quest start: Zepik the Gorloc Hunter
Quest End: Zepik the Gorloc Hunter
Description: You must kill 12 mobs called Mistwhisper Warrior or Mistwhisper Oracle .
- The following pictures are related to the quest: Lightning Definitely Strikes Twice
Quest start: Zepik the Gorloc Hunter
Quest End: Zepik the Gorloc Hunter
- The following images are related to the quest: Hoofing It
Quest start: Zepik the Gorloc Hunter
Quest End: High-Shaman Rakjak
- The following images are related to the quest: Just Following Orders
Quest Start: High-Shaman Rakjak
Quest End: Injured Rainspeaker Oracle
- The following images are related to the quest: Fortunate Misunderstandings
Start of the quest: Injured Rainspeaker Oracle
Quest End: High-Oracle Soo-say
- The following images are related to the quest: Gods like Shiny Things
Quest start: Lafoo
Quest End: High-Oracle Soo-say
Description: After receiving the quest, the item in your character’s bag is called Summon Lafoo , click on it so that an Orders will appear and then go to the place marked on the map and next to a series of flashing lights, which is also on the ground. Weissed, Orders itself goes and hits the ground, and in the last step, you can take the Shiny Treasures item to complete the quest.
- The following images are related to the quest: Make the Bad Snake Go Away
Quest start: High-Oracle Soo-say
Quest End: High-Oracle Soo-say
Description: You must kill 10 Emperor Cobras and 1 Venomtip .
- The following images are related to the Quest: Making Peace
Quest start: High-Oracle Soo-say
Quest End: High-Oracle Soo-say
- The following pictures are related to the quest: Forced Hand
Quest start: Mistcaller Soo-gan
Quest End: Mistcaller Soo-gan
Description: You must kill 8 Frenzyheart Spearbearer and 6 Frenzyheart Scavenger .
- The following pictures are related to the quest: The Lost Mistwhisper Treasure
Quest start: Mistcaller Soo-gan
Quest End: Mistcaller Soo-gan
- The following pictures are related to the quest: Home Time!
Quest start: Mistcaller Soo-gan
Quest End: High-Oracle Soo-say
- The following pictures are related to the quest: The Angry Gorloc
Quest start: High-Oracle Soo-say
Quest End: Moodle
Description: After you get the quest from High-Oracle Soo-say , come to the desired location in the pictures, and the quest will be completed automatically.
- The following images are related to the quest: Lifeblood of the Mosswalker Shrine
Description: You need 10 Lifeblood Shard items .
- The following images are related to the quest: The Mosswalker Savior
Description: A number of Oracles fall on the ground called Mosswalker Kill Credit , and you must save 6 of them.
- The following pictures are related to the quest: A Hero’s Burden
Quest start: Moodle
Quest End: Artruis’s Phylactery
Description: Many players have problems with this quest. To complete this quest, you go to the cave you can see in the picture below, then there is an npc in the cave named Artruis the Heartless and 2 npc are on the left and right, one of which is Oracles and The other one is frenzyheart which is in the ice, you have to hit Artruis the Heartless until his hp is 20% , then start hitting frenzyheart and kill him, be careful you must hit frenzyheart after killing frenzyheart, the other one who is oracles will give you a quest.
- The following images are related to the quest: Return of the Friendly Dryskin
Quest start: Jaloot
Quest End: High-Oracle Soo-say
- The following images are related to the quest: Appeasing the Great Rain Stone
Quest start: High-Oracle Soo-say
Quest End: High-Oracle Soo-say
To complete this quest, click on the item in your character’s bag so that an Order will appear and then go to the place marked on the map and stand next to a series of flashing lights that are also on the ground. Orders will go and hit the ground. And then you drop the corresponding item.
- The following pictures are related to Quest: A Cleansing Song
Quest start: Oracle Soo-nee
Quest End: Oracle Soo-nee
Description: Go to the places indicated in the pictures, and use the Chime of Cleansing quest item to make Spirit of Atha , Spirit of Ha-Khalan and Spirit of Koosu mobs appear, and then kill them.
- The following images are related to the quest: Power of the Great Ones
Quest start: Oracle Soo-dow
Quest End: Lightningcaller Soo-met
Description: You have to kill 30 mobs called Frenzyheart Ravager or Frenzyheart Hunter and then use the Energized Polished Crystal quest item in the place indicated in the pictures.
- Note: After the above quests, you must take and complete the quests of this place on a daily basis until you reach Exalted, and after that you can buy the Cracked Egg item from the shop or the same seller, and after that for 7 days If you kept it in your character bag, there is a possibility of Reins of the Green Proto-Drake drop mount .