آموزش World Of Warcraft

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  Thorim boss tactics in 10-person mode – normal and hard mode To hit and kill Thorim, we need one tank, two healers and seven dps in 10 mode. When the boss starts, first of all the add-ons in the middle of the area or the so-called fight must be killed.

  Hodir boss tactics in 10-man mode – normal and hard mode Normal mode and hard drive mode of this bus depends on a time and time of three minutes, which means that if you hit the bus in this time mode, it becomes hard mode, and if you do not succeed, it becomes normal mode, so a special tactic between normal and hard drive mode of this bus is...

  Auriaya boss tactics in 10-man mode This boss is not difficult to beat, which includes the boss itself and two tigers. When you start the boss , these two tigers come with it. Here we need two tanks, one of which tanks tans the boss and holds it. He takes the second tank and the two tigers

  Kologarn boss tactics in 10-man mode This boss does not need two tanks and one tank can hold the boss and two healers, this boss includes a number of right hand (Left Arm ) and a number of left hand ( Left Arm ) and a body called I say chest

  Assembly of Iron boss tactics in 10-person mode – normal and hard mode Assembly of Iron is available in hard mode and normal mode, and the difference between these two modes is in arranging the bosses. Fashion is the opposite.

  XT-002 Deconstructor boss tactic in 10-mode – normal and hard mode This boss has both normal mode and hard mode, the difference between the two is clear in a heartbreak that the boss is hit up to 75% hp. After this, the bus breaks the heartbreak . boss heart, boss goes to hard mode and if you do not succeed, boss goes to normal mode

  Razorscale boss tactics in 10-man mode Razorscale boss does not need two tanks when it starts, but it is better to have two tanks and it needs two healers to make it easier.

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