آموزش World Of Warcraft

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The Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal , known as the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal , can only be obtained by completing The Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline and is the only legendary mount available in WoW Classic. The ground moves and the aerial mount is not easy and it comes in different colors that you can only use in Ahn’Qiraj Temple itself , but you can ride the mentioned mount anywhere on the map. Note: When the...

Training Reputation The Kirin Tor In this post, we’ll explain all the ways you can get Kirin Tor’s important Rep, including how to get Exalted and the rewards you get for getting this Rep. To get this Rep, you can consider several things, including: doing quests (all quests, reputation with Kirin Tor ) Go to the dungeons Do daily or daily quests Do weekly quests or missions . . . . ....

In order to simplify the first page of learning how to mount Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal , see the continuation of the tutorial on this page. The quests we do in order:  What Tomorrow Brings  Only One May Rise  The Path of the Righteous  The Hand of the Righteous  Anachronos  Long Forgotten Memories  A Pawn on the Eternal Board  The Charge of the Dragonflights  Azuregos’s Magical Ledger  Translating the Ledger  Stewvul, Ex-BFF...

We will dedicate this post to teaching how to do the Noggenfogger Elixir quest or the shrinker in World of Warcraft, for this you need to go to the Tanaris region and take the first quest which is The Thirsty Goblin and complete the quests as usual. We did and took pictures of the steps of doing the quests, so that we can see together. Note: For a better understanding of the steps of completing the quests,...

To get Shadowmourne , you need to go through the following steps: First, you have to be friendly with The Ashen Verdict faction. You get a quest from Highlord Darion Mograine and you have to drop 25 Primordial Saronite plus 2 quest items from Festergut and Rotface , and the next step is to find Arthas old mace that he had before Frostmourne called Light’s Vengeance . This part does not require a raid, and you must go to the Dragonblight area and  get the Frostmourne Cavern quest from the npc named Zelig...

Learn how to do Thunderfury Quests Today we are at your service with another World of Warcraft tutorial, which is our tutorial today on how to do the Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker quests , which leads to receiving this beautiful item. First of all, you must talk to the npc named Highlord Demitrian in the Silithus region , but before that, there must be an item in your character’s bag called Bindings of the Windseeker ,...

In this world of waraft tutorial post, we are going to explore the quests leading to the beautiful Reins of the Raven Lord drop mount . Tip: To summon this boss, you need a droid + some idle people who are looking for mounts. Note: When you reach quest 16 , you have a quest item called Essence-Infused Moonstone. This is your key to reach the boss. Now put this key in your pocket and go to the Sethekk...

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