آموزش World Of Warcraft

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Gm Island area map Today, we want to solve a problem that everyone, including the admin and support team of each server, has been facing for about 12 years. If you are part of the admin or support team or have seen Gm Island city in World of Warcraft in different ways, a map for this area is not defined like the picture below: . . . It should be...

  Mists of Pandaria Login Screen If you want the login page of wow patch 3.3.5a or Wrath of the Lich King to change to Pandaria version, just download the file below and drop it in the following path in your system.

  Transformation of draenei into sethrak We dedicate this post to the draenei breed, in terms of deformation and appearance

  Shadowlands login screen and character create If you would like to change the homepage of world of warcraft for version 3.3.5a to the Shadowlands patch, you can download the following mpq file along with the Wow.exe file

  Druid class deformation One of the things that can diversify our game is to change a series of shapes and areas and things that we work with every day in the game server, for example, to change the game graphics version 3.3.5 to higher versions . That can be very attractive to us

  In version 3.3.5, when you are in a dungeon (classic) and you want to use the map, after pressing the m key on your system keyboard, you will notice that no map can be found!

Enhance and improve the graphics of World Of Warcraft game version 3.3.5 Version 3.3.5 is one of the most popular versions of World of Warcraft, as you know version 3.3.5 of the game was released in 2010 and Blizzard after this version to Legion and Battle for Azeroth extensive changes in the field The game graphics are done.

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