آموزش World Of Warcraft

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Burning Crusade expansion pack release date for classic version


Blizzard has officially announced that the Burning Crusade Classic expansion pack for World of Warcraft Classic will be available to the public on June 1 (June 11).

Following the announcement of the release date of Burning Crusade Classic, which is related to the World of Warcraft classic game, Blizzard has now officially confirmed June 1 (June 11) as the release date of this add-on pack. As a result, old and new players can return to Outland after this date.

Pre-expansion update of this add-on package is scheduled to be released on May 18 (May 28) and after planned repairs in each area. After applying this update, players can choose between three modes. These modes include preparing for the classic Burning Crusade, entering the land of the Classic Era, or experiencing both games using the Character Clone mode.

The Burning Crusade add-on pack, first released for World of Warcraft in 2007, sends players to Outland to stop the Burning Legion. The add-on pack added Blood Elf for Horde and Draenei for Alliance. As a result, these breeds will be available again soon.

Other features that the Burning Crusade add-on pack added to World of Warcraft at the time included the Arena PvP system, the Jewelcrafting job, the Bird Mounts, and the Aldor and Scryers groups in Shattrath. Those who use World of Warcraft or its classic version will also receive the Burning Crusade Classic add-on pack for free.



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