آموزش World Of Warcraft

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Battle for Azeroth with Persian subtitles


World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth paid a heavy price for ending the Legion Crusades, and allies lost trust in each other. As this old conflict and war begins again, choose your allies as the future of Azeroth is built between wars.

In this version of the game, some basic features have been added to it.

Undoubtedly, increasing the level from 110 to 120 is one of the biggest features added. Also, new places called Kul Tiras and Zandalar have been added, which have their own charms and surprises. A new mode called 20 player PvE mode against opposite faction NPC has been added to the game and also 3 new tribes and races have been added for both sides of the game.

Also, 6 new character slots have made this version one of the most attractive add-on packs in the game. The game’s AI is more advanced than before and fighting enemies is harder. Island Expeditions solves the problem of performing repetitive steps. No more worrying about finishing a dungeon over and over again, now features have been added that allow you to enter the Dungeons at random.

As the number of characters in each server has increased from 12 to 18. This game is a continuation of the Legion series.

Therefore, we will see an improvement in the quality of the game. World of Warcraft is one of the most attractive and popular online and online games, which has been released for many years, but the number of fans of this game is increasing every day, and also the manufacturer, Blizzard Entertainment , is well aware of this issue. Understands and tries to meet the needs of its audience in the best way by providing a proper work plan. This version of the game will now be released exclusively for Windows and Mac platforms.

Old and best-selling versions of this game include The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion.



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