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تاکتیک باسهای Auriaya در حالت 10 نفر

Auriaya boss tactics in 10-man mode


Auriaya boss tactics in 10-man mode

This boss is not difficult to beat, which includes the boss itself and two tigers. When you start the boss , these two tigers come with it. Here we need two tanks, one of which tanks tans the boss and holds it. He takes the second tank and the two tigers

The second tank that has taken these tigers must bring them to the side of the boss and Ride with the shaman class bl and everything they have in their pockets.

  • Auriaya boss has several Abilitie that:
  1. Guardian Swarm : After a few seconds, the boss tones a tiger, which has a very high damage, and the tanks have to tantalize this tiger, and after the tiger dies, a black portal opens under its feet that players should not stand on.
  2. Sentinel Blast : There is a cast boss that players are required to cast
  3. Sonic Screech : A light-like splash is thrown from the boss to the rider, and the healers are required to fill the hill ride.
  4. Terrifying Screech : There is a boss cast that fears the entire ride for 3 seconds

Note: The face of the boss should always be facing Ride, because Sonic Screech plays , which if it is from behind, the damage is too much.

In time and time again, the boss catches a tiger called Guardian Swarm , the damage of this add-on is very heavy, starting from 9 stacks, that is, when it gets Samun for the first time, it gets 9, which has 400% damage, and in the next Samun, it gets 8, which is 350. It has damage و and… that Ride should not delay hitting this add too much and kill this add quickly, and the tanks have a duty to keep this add and tan so that it does not damage the add.

After you kill Edd and hit the cast of the boss , you go up the steps and the boss falls


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