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A collection of practical and useful macros for Mage

مجموعه Macroهای کاربردی و مفید برای Mage

  • Cancelaura BoP
/cancelaura blessing of protection

  • Counterspell Arena 1


/cancelaura Ice Block

/cast [target=arena1] Counterspell

  • Counterspell Arena 2


/cancelaura Ice Block

/cast [target=arena2] Counterspell

  • Counterspell Arena 3


/cancelaura Ice Block

/cast [target=arena3] Counterspell

  • Counterspell Focus

Even if you have a 1/2/3 arena, still having this macro focus is very useful because it has the potential to be able to use those that focus on the game faster.

/cast [target=focus] Counterspell

  • Fire – Fire Blast Focus

This is a great macro for destroying ground totems. If you see a ground totem appear when you drop the polymorph, you can actually drop the middle polymorph fire blast and destroy the ground and your polymorph will land.

/cast [target=focus] fire blast

  • Frost – Frostbolt + Cancelaura Iceblock

The basic frostbolt macro lets you use your frostbolt clamp to break your ice block.

/cast Frostbolt /cancelaura Ice Block

  • Frost – Ice Lance Focus

This is a great macro for destroying ground totems.

/cast [target=focus] Ice lance

  • Frost – Ice Nova

This macro prevents you from using ice nova without a purpose.

#showtooltip Ice Nova

/use [harm,nodead]Ice Nova

  • Ice Block
/cast !Ice Block

  • Polymorph Arena 1
/cast [target=arena1] polymorph

  • Polymorph Arena 2
/cast [target=arena2] polymorph

  • Polymorph Arena 3
/cast [target=arena3] polymorph

  • Polymorph Focus

Even if you have a 1/2/3 arena, still having this macro focus is very useful because it has the potential to be able to use those that focus on the game faster.

/cast [target=focus] Polymorph

  • Spellsteal Focus
/cast [target=focus] Spellsteal

  • Stopcasting

  • Temporal Shield

This macro allows you to easily cancel your temporal shield without any difficulty by right-clicking the mute button.

#showtooltip Temporal Shield

/cancelaura Temporal Shield

  • Flamestrike فوری
#show Flamestrike
/cast Presence of Mind
/cast Flamestrike

  • Living Bomb و FireBall

/castsequence reset=12/target/combat Living Bomb, Fireball, Fireball, Fireball, Fireball

  • Pyroblast یا FireBall

This Macro will hit Pyroblast (as a war starter) if you are not a Combat, otherwise it will fireball

/cast [nocombat] Pyroblast; Fireball

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