In this educational post, we are going to explain the steps and the process of completing the quests of the shaman horde class point by point, and as we said in the previous posts, pictures were taken of the steps of completing the quests in order to better understand the training, which together We see these pictures and the process of doing the quests of this class.
Note: For a better understanding of the steps of completing the quests, a video has been prepared, edited and added of the steps and the process of completing each quest individually.
Note: All videos are prepared and edited by wikiwow .
We do the following quests in order:
[10] Call of Fire
[11] Call of Fire
[12] Call of Fire
[13] Call of Fire
[13] Call of Fire
[20] Call of Water
[20] Call of Water
[20] Call of Water
[20] Call of Water
[20] Call of Water
[20] Call of Water
- Call of Earth for the Tauren race : In this post, we will complete all the quests with this race, and we have explained it fully for this race below.
[4] Call of Earth
[4] Call of Earth
[4] Call of Earth
- Call of Earth for the Troll , Orc race: Since we teach the steps of completing the quests with the Tauren race , we prepared a video of the completion steps for these two races, whose quests are slightly different.
[4] Call of Earth : Click to see the video of completing this quest.
[4] Call of Earth : Click to see the video of completing this quest.
[4] Call of Earth : Click to see the video of completing this quest.
- Call of Air for the Troll , Orc race: Since we teach the steps of completing quests with the Tauren race , we have prepared a video of the completion steps for these two races, as this quest is slightly different.
- The following pictures are related to Quest: Call of Fire , part 1
Quest start: Narm Skychaser
Quest End: Kranal Fiss
- The following images are related to Quest: Call of Fire , part 2
Quest start: Kranal Fiss
Quest End: Telf Joolam
- The following pictures are related to Quest: Call of Fire , part 3
Quest start: Telf Joolam
Quest End: Telf Joolam
Description: To complete this quest, you need two items called Fire Tar and Reagent Pouch , which are dropped from Razormane Mystic and Burning Blade Cultist mobs .
- The following pictures are related to Quest: Call of Fire , Part 4
Quest start: Telf Joolam
Quest End: Brazier of the Dormant Flame
Description: When you complete the previous quest, you will be rewarded with an item called Fire Sapta , use it according to the video so that you can see the npc called Minor Manifestation of Fire , which is hidden, and kill it to get the Glowing Ember item . Drop it.
- The following pictures are related to Quest: Call of Fire , Part 5
Quest start: Brazier of the Dormant Flame
Quest End: Kranal Fiss
- The following pictures are related to Quest: Call of Water , part 1
Quest start: Narm Skychaser
Quest End: Islen Waterseer
- The following pictures are related to Quest: Call of Water , part 2
Quest start: Islen Waterseer
Quest End: Brine
- The following pictures are related to Quest: Call of Water , part 3
Description: When you get the quest, you will be given an item called Filled Brown Waterskin , and you should go to the water pit that is shown in the pictures and click on the corresponding item that is similar to water musk.
- The following pictures are related to Quest: Call of Water , Part 4
Description: The steps to complete this quest are the same as the above quest we explained, with the difference that the item that will be given to you with the quest is called Filled Red Waterskin and the area you have to go and fill this water skin is Hillsbrad Foothills .
In order not to burden the page and for your convenience, see the continuation below.
The continuation of the images of the quests of the shaman horde class