آموزش World Of Warcraft

جدیدترین آموزشها

انتخاب نوع دسته آموزشها

Basic and necessary training wow


Necessary training including: trainers, equestrian, banks, action bar, magic book, power resources


Your character can learn different occupations for entertainment and income. Capitals are the best place to learn these professions. Talk to one of the capital’s guards and ask for the location of the trainers.





Once you reach level 20, you can learn to ride, increase your riding skills in higher levels, and even learn to fly. Inside the capitals, there are masters who can teach you riding.









You will sooner or later realize that your wallet is full of items, the solution is to use the bank. You can put your items in the bank. Banks are located in cities that are the capital.


The Action Bar action bar:

If you want to see one of the most interesting things your character can do, you have to use the action bar. This bar is located at the bottom of the screen and each cell of this bar is operated by pressing a default button on the keyboard. Press the set buttons to use your character’s abilities. Just as easily!


The Spellbook:

With the magic book you can see all the abilities (Ability) and spells (Spell) of your character. Press the “P” button to access the magic book. For easier access to your character’s abilities or spells, you can do this by dragging it from the magic book to the action bar.




power sources :

Every time your character uses his abilities, he suffers a lot of pressure. In the game, you actually use your power source and this power source is inexhaustible. One of the differences between newcomers and professional players is knowing these sources of power and how to use them.

For example, the mage class uses the mana power source. Whenever the wizard’s mana ends, he must wait to be refilled so that he can use his magic words again. Another example is the rogue class, which uses an energy source. The energy runs out fast, but instead fills up quickly. The warrior class uses the source of the power of rage. In fact, whenever he hurts or injures someone, he receives some anger, and the warrior can use his abilities by using this source of power.

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