آموزش World Of Warcraft

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15k Gold Farm every five minutes


15k gold farm every five minutes World of Warcraft fastest Easy Way Gold Farm ep36

Gold to Balance conversion tutorial

First you have to have as much gold as a Wow token in one of your characters at that moment of the game, as you know the price of a Wow token varies, so be sure to pay attention to this point. Then, depending on the front you play on (whether you are a Horde or an Alliance) in the cities of Orgimmar and Stormwind , you can go to the Auction house and buy the Wow token , then receive it in the game via the Mail box and click on it. Click.

In the next step, by selecting the right option and confirming it, your Wow token will become the game balance unit at that moment.

You can use it by logging out of your account and logging in again. It should be noted that in accounts created on Iran, you may be subject to a series of restrictions when converting, and you may not be able to Buy Wow token , turn it into balance.






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